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A Snapshot Of Pecking Love Wins 'Photo Of The Week'

| Uncategorized | January 1, 2024

Pecking Love Image Wins POTW Award


An enchanting snapshot titled ‘Pecking Love’, captured by Shibram, has been bestowed with our latest ‘Photo of the Week’ (POTW) accolade.

This image is brimming with emotion and detail, capturing a tender moment of affection between two birds. It’s a testament to the universal language of love, a sentiment even our feathered friends are privy to. The composition, detail, and timing all come together to create a truly heartwarming scene.

As the saying goes, love always triumphs! This image serves as a beautiful reminder that love is indeed worth cherishing, a sentiment that resonates across species. It’s a beautifully composed snapshot that captures a lovely moment of avian affection. Congratulations to Shibram on capturing such a poignant moment.

All of our POTW winners will receive a Samsung 128GB PRO Plus microSDXC memory card with SD adapter offering memory storage across multiple devices. Plus, we will also announce our ‘Photo of the Year’ winner who’ll win a Samsung Portable SSD T7 in January 2024 courtesy of Samsung.

Source: Photography News
A Snapshot Of Pecking Love Wins ‘Photo Of The Week’

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