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An Arresting Portrayal Of Street Life In Belfast Wins Our 'Photo of the Week' Award

| Uncategorized | February 26, 2024

from the life of the streets of Belfast by atenytom - POTW winner


Our ‘Photo of the Week’ accolade goes to a compelling image by atenytom, which unflinchingly captures the stark realities of life on the streets of Belfast.

Titled ‘From the Life of the Streets of Belfast’, the photograph is taken from the subject’s height, placing the viewer on an equal footing with him. Capturing the scene from the subject’s perspective creates an immersive experience, drawing the viewer into the heartfelt bond shared between the man and his dog. The affection is palpable – the man’s hand tenderly placed under the dog’s gillet, symbolizing a connection that goes beyond the visual.

The perfectly timed image freezes a poignant moment in time. It exudes a tangible atmosphere and its narrative resonates profoundly within each frame. It’s a photograph that makes you pause and reflect, offering you the opportunity to appreciate the resilience and companionship found in the most challenging of circumstances.

All of our POTW winners will receive a Samsung 128GB PRO Plus microSDXC memory card with SD adapter offering memory storage across multiple devices. Plus, we will also announce our ‘Photo of the Year’ winner who’ll win a Samsung Portable 1TB SSD T7 Shield in January 2025 courtesy of Samsung.

Source: Photography News
An Arresting Portrayal Of Street Life In Belfast Wins Our ‘Photo of the Week’ Award

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